
Llanbadarn Fawr Church

Organists Entertain

Organ Recital – Saturday 17.08.2024.

A very enjoyable afternoon was spent by the people who came to St. Padarn’s Church, to listen to a wide variety of lovely music being played by four of our Organists. William Davies, Ian Rees, Euryn Jones & Daniel Smith all gave of their time entertaining us to raise funds for the Church. They were warmly thanked by Canon Andrew Loat and the applause each Organist received following their time at the Organ, was a reflection of how much they were appreciated by all those present.

A period of relaxation and socialising was enjoyed following the Recital, when refreshments were served in the Church Hall.

Holy Communion and Coffee Morning

Wednesday 06.11.2024. 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion / Cymun Bendigaid –

11.00. Coffee & Chat in the Church Hall.

Ordination to the Priesthood.

On the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 24th June 2023, in St. Davids Cathedral, one person was Ordained to the Diaconate and 4 people were Ordained Priest by the Archbishop of Wales, the Most Reverend Andrew John. One of the four we are very pleased to say, was the Reverend Nicholas Bee, Assistant Curate in this Bro Padarn Local Ministry Area of 12 Churches covering the area North and East of the Aberystwyth LMA. Nick is based in Borth and has pastoral responsibility for Borth, Llangorwen and Llanfihangel Genau’r Glyn (Llandre) whilst also continuing his training and working as part of the Ministry Team covering the whole Bro Padarn LMA under the leadership of the Reverend Canon Andrew Loat.

The Venerable Hywel Jones.


1939 – 2022

We all had a great shock on learning of the death of Hywel Jones, Vicar of Llanbadarn Fawr 1979-92 as well as Vicar of Capel Bangor and Goginan from 1982. He served as Archdeacon of Cardigan between 1990 and 2006. He was also Warden of Readers for twenty years from 1982. Everyone in Bro Padarn knew ‘the Archdeacon’, and he was always ready to help and use his long experience of service to offer advice when asked, and sometimes when not! We extend our sympathies to Anne, his widow and to their children, Matthew and Elin, and the whole family. Before coming to this area Hywel was a Curate in St. Peter’s, Carmarthen, and then he was appointed Vicar of Cynwyl Gaeo, Llansawel and Talley. During his time as Archdeacon he also served as Vicar of Llanychaearn with Llanddeiniol. His funeral will take place on Wednesday 7th September 2022 at 1pm in Llanbadarn Church followed by private committal at the crematorium.

Revd. Fran Croxon-Hall

There was much joy on Saturday 25.06.2022 as a number of parishioners made the journey to St. David’s Cathedral to see the Revd Fran Croxon Hall ordained as Priest by Bishop Joanna. Canon Andrew Loat, LMA Dean of Bro Padarn LMA was among the Priests who laid their hands on Fran as the Bishop ordained her, and there were broad smiles on everyone’s faces as one new Deacon and six new Priests were welcomed with congregational applause. Fran presided at the Holy Communion services on Sunday 03.07.2022 in Llanbadarn Fawr at 11.15am and in Ysbyty Cynfyn at 3pm, where Andrew preached. She continues to serve among us as Curate in Bro Padarn Parish as she completes her training.

Tribute to Lyn Lewis Dafis

Dear Friends

We are here to remember our good friend, LLD. I’m sure we would all wish to commiserate with Lyn’s family in their loss, his sister Mandy and her family and his brother Robert. We should also remember the ministerial team in Bro Padarn: they have lost a valued and gifted colleague, and a very good friend. 

Lyn was born in 1960 in Mynachlog-ddu in north Pembrokeshire. After education locally in the village primary and Ysgol y Preseli in Crymych, he came here to Aber to study Welsh in the University College of Wales as it was then called, graduating in 1981. He then returned to Pembrokeshire for four years to work with the Dyfed Library Service in Haverfordwest. In 1985 he returned to Aber to study for his diploma in librarianship, after which he spent a further three years with the Mid Glamorgan Library. In 1989 he was appointed to a post in the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth, and he remained there until 2014. Undoubtedly, his most important contribution in the Library was his work on digitising material, i.e. putting material on the web so that it could be seen and used by a wide audience. Various digitising techniques were being developed in many countries, and Lyn took to these developments with the energy, enthusiasm and thoroughness which so typified him. Lyn and the teams he worked with did genuinely pioneering work in this field. Some of the Library’s finest photographic collections were digitised, including the photos of 19C Wales by John Thomas of Liverpool, and the vast 20C collection of Geoff Charles, a newspaper photographer. This was followed by the digitisation of Wesh periodicals. Outside his work, Lyn was active in many fields. He was a stalwart supporter of Plaid Cymru and sat on Aber Town Council for four years. In the Library he was an active and very effective trade unionist. He edited and wrote for several Welsh language publications, and was active with many organisations including the Welsh Books Council. But his main contribution outside his daily work was in Eglwys y Santes Fair. He was very active in the Church and became a lay reader. In 2014 he decided to leave the National Library and to train for the full-time priesthood. After a year in St Michael’s College in Llandâf, he was ordained deacon in 2015 and priest in 2016. From 2015 onwards he lived in Penrhyn-coch serving mostly in St John’s Penrhyn-coch and St Peter’s Bont-goch within a wider area centred on Llanbadarn. In June 2021 he was ordained an assistant minister within the Bro Padarn Local Ministerial Area, and also a Diocesan Officer for the Welsh Language and Bilingualism, a position which suited him perfectly.

ll try to summarise whay I have to say about Lyn under three headings: his background, what were his characteristics and Lyn’s religion. It is worth looking back at Lyn’s background in the Preseli hills of north Pembrokshire. This is a land which features prominently in the Mabinogion, the medieval Welsh tales; it’s the land of the Rebecca Rioters who fought against injustice in the 19C. Also the land of Waldo Williams, a great Welsh language poet, a pacifist and a man of deep spirituality. Dr Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Wales and of Canterbury, is a great admirer of Waldo’s poetry, and has written about it and about Waldo’s religious beliefs. Waldo’s only volume of poetry was Dail Pren, and there are at least five copies in the Vicarage. As Lyn used to say, ‘You can never have too many copies of Dail Pren.’ Just after the Second World War there was a proposal by the Ministry of War to appropriate land in the Preseli hills. There was a campagin against this proposal, a campaign which proved successful. The campaign was led by two ministers, Joseff James, a Congregationalist, and a Baptist, R Parri Roberts, the minister of Bethel, Mynachlog-ddu where Lyn was brought up. Parri Roberts was a staunch peacemonger, and Lyn must have heard the story of this struggle many times from his parents and grandparents when growing up. It’s no wonder that Lyn later became active with the Welsh Language Society, Plaid Cymru, the peace movement and a very active trade unionist. All these can be traced back to the tradition of political and religious dissent of the area in which he had been brought up.

How would I describe Lyn? Firstly, he was a man of uncommon intellectual ability. Whatever you discussed with Lyn, be it history, theology, politics, it was always obvious that he had read widely and had mastered the essentials of the subject. Lyn had an enquiring and original mind, a mind which was always looking for something new to grapple with. I think that is the reason why he was so successful with his pioneering work on digitisation in the National Libray: this was a new technology which was developing rapidly, and that attracted Lyn. Then, of course, there was Lyn’s irrepresible sense of humour, his sense of mischief, his inimitable joie de vivre. For several years he wrote a blog in Welsh, when blogs were fairly new. Lyn’s originality of mind and his humour meant that this was at times very quirky and outrageously funny. Lyn was very interested in languages. In his university course he had chosen the language courses rather than the literary ones wherever possible. His interest in languages persisted, and he studied Basque, the Dutch spoken in Flanders, and the latest was Maori which he was studying last summer and autumn. But he was interested in language in another way as well: the different ways we use language – ordinary spoken language, literary language, committee language etc. Indeed I remember when he went to a trade union conference in England with his friend Dafydd Pritchard. Lyn was fascinated by the different English accents he heard, many of them from northern England, and he was fascinated by the trade union speak of composite resolutions, I beg to move, I propose that the motion be left on the table etc. Lyn entertained Dafydd and others of us with impersonations of these accents for days. There was no mockery involved; it was plain delight at finding something new and different. His ability to mimic was only one aspect of his ability as a performer. He enjoyed performing in public, and he was very good at it whether he was giving a lecture, chairing a meeting, giving a talk to schoolchildren or preaching. There was no false modesty in Lyn. When I asked him how a meeting or a service had gone, he would often reply, ‘Oh, I was very good’. He did enjoy performing, but it was very time consuming because he always prepared carefully for any event. But this generosity with his time was only one example of his love of people, and his ability to get on so easily with everyone, whatever their age or language or beliefs.

As I said Lyn was raised with the Baptists in Bethel Chapel, Mynachlog-ddu. In his second year in university he had a profound religious experience, and his faith deepened . On his return home, the chapel services were no longer so appealing and he searched for a new spiritual home. From what he told me, it was when he was in Mid Glamorgan that he started going to the Anglican church. When he came to Aber in 1989 he became a regular attender at y Santes Fair. With time, he became more and more active and became a lay reader. Then he became a full time minister and spent the last seven years in this area with special responsibility for St John’s Penrhyn-coch and St Peter’s, Bont-goch. He could now dedicate his many gifts, his intellectual ability, his performing gift and his easy way with people, to the Lord’s work. I know that he will be a great loss to the church in this area, and indeed to the diocese and Wales. He had become very fond of the Church in Wales, despite the weaknesses that afflict all institutions. He appreciated its historic links with the Western Church, and its ability to cater for a wide range of believers. He would always remind me that it was a Catholic and Reformed church, and that was one of its great strengths. When I would reply, ‘Having it both ways once again’, he’d smile at my lack of understanding.

The verse on the cover of the funeral leaflet is from the parable of the talents, and if there was anyone who used his many, many talents in his work for his Lord, then certainly Lyn was one of those.

Thank you very much. Richard Owen


Reverend Lyn Lewis Dafis

It was a great shock to us all when we heard of the death of the Rev’d Lyn Léwis Dafis on 15th March 2022. Our sympathies go out to his sister, Mandy, and his brother, Robat, and the whole family in Pembrokeshire.

Lyn was a good friend and devoted colleague, to me and all the Bro Padarn Ministry Team, and we shall miss him greatly. He had a rich and playful sense of humour, but he could also speak seriously when the occasion called for it.
Through Lyn’s efforts Messy Church was established in Penrhyn-coch, and the Church began to work more closely with Horeb Chapel, especially with Messy Church and the Sunday Schools. We are all grateful for Lyn’s gifts in creating, confidently, our on-line services via
zoom during the worst months of the pandemic. And similarly, he helped each Church in Bro Padarn to manage their own Facebook page.
Lyn was a friend to many people, in Church, in Chapel and further afield – including a number of people overseas. He was interested in all languages, not just Welsh, and recently he had started learning Romanian.
Many of us in Bro Padarn will remember Lyn through his services in our Churches and on-line, his small study groups, through his visits when in better health, and through his care in times of sorrow and of joy.
Like every minister, Lyn wasn’t faultless, but there are so many good and encouraging things to treasure from his presence among us.
Thanks be to God; may he rest in peace.
Andrew Loat


Church Services in St. Padarn’s

Sunday Services in Church, all begin at 10.00. The 10.00 Service is in the Welsh Language and then at 11.15 each Sunday we have a service in the English Language. Please see the Church Calendar Page for details of Church Services.


Canon Andrew Loat, Registrar Arwel Davies, Archdeacon Eileen Davies, Revd Lyn Dafis

On Monday evening, 26 July, in a service at Llanbadarn Fawr Church, the Revd Lyn Lewis Dafis was licensed as the Diocesan Officer for the Welsh Language and Bilingualism and a priest in charge in Bro Padarn Local Ministry Area.

Canon Andrew Loat, Dean of Bro Padarn led the service. In the absence of Bishop Joanna, the Venerable Eileen Davies, Archdeacon of Cardigan was responsible for the licensing with the assistance of the Diocesan Registrar, Mr Arwel Davies. Because the situation with Covid-19 remains uncertain, only a small congregation could be present. Still, it included members from all the churches in the Local Ministry Area. And many of those also took part in the service, and thanks to them for doing so.

In Bro Padarn LMA Lyn will be a part-time Associate Minister and spend the rest of his time working in his role with the Diocese.

In the Local Ministry Area, he will lead Sunday services in the various churches and online. He will also organize the churches’ presence on social media and help members of the different congregations gain confidence in using them for themselves. In the short term, he will continue to edit and produce the newsletter. He will also be a member of the team responsible for pastoral care for the congregations of St John’s Church, Penrhyn-coch and St Peter’s Church, Elerch.

Church Shop Closes.

St. Padarn’s Church Shop which opened on the last day of June 2009 has now closed.

Canon Andrew Loat writes as follows: 

Visitors to Llanbadarn Church as well as regular worshippers here will be aware of the great work done by our army of volunteers not only in keeping the Church clean and tidy, but also in providing items of interest for sale at the west end of the nave.  As for so many people, the successive lockdowns during the past months have given an opportunity to reassess what we do, and Cherry and Pip have decided to call it a day so far as running the Church shop is concerned. We are grateful to them and to all who have helped them in this project which has lasted several years – it was well established when I arrived as their new parish priest seven years ago! Over the years the shop has been able to contribute significant amounts to St. Padarn’s Church to assist with our running costs. Our thanks go to them all.

Llanbadarn Churchyard Website

We have been informed that the previous website which had been in place for some time before being taken down, possible by the previous host service, has now been re-established. This is not a St. Padarn’s Church Website. However, we are pleased to be able to let you know how to enter this site if you so wish. You can enter the site at:

Bro Padarn Local Ministry Area

As from 13.05.2021, Ascension Day, the Churches and Congregations of Llanfihangel y Creuddyn, Llanafan y Trawscoed & Ysbyty Ystwyth will leave our Bro Padarn LMA and become part of the Bro Wyre LMA.

We send our love to our friends as they join with their new LMA and wish them every blessing.

Revd. Alun Evans – Priest in Charge Bro Padarn LMA

The Reverend Alun Evans is leaving the Bro Padarn Local Ministry Area as he moves to take up a new post before Christmas. He has been appointed as a Priest in Charge in the Bro Wyre LMA which includes the old parishes around Llanrhystud and Llanilar. Alun has been a good friend and an excellent colleague to us in Bro Padarn and we wish him every blessing, and also to Becky as well. Becky will continue her training in the Aberystwyth LMA and they will be moving to live in the Llanilar Vicarage.

Revd. Becky Evans’ last Sunday in Bro Padarn as Assistant Curate 30 August 2020

Today is the Rev’d Becky Evans’ last Sunday as Assistant Curate in Bro Padarn LMA, as she continues her curacy from 1st September with our neighbours in Aberystwyth LMA. We are glad to have accompanied her in her first year of ordained ministry and thank Becky for all she has contributed to the life and mission of our Churches. God bless you, Becky.


You can access the New Website from the bottom of the Home Page of this Website.

Revd. Alun Evans – Priest in Charge                                                                            Chaplain – (Padre) 561 (Ardwyn, Aberystwyth & District) Sqn. RAFAC

On Wednesday 5th February 2020 at the Royal Air Force Air Cadets Presentation Evening in Aberystwyth, the Revd. Alun Evans, a Priest in Charge in the Bro Padarn Local Ministry Area, was inducted by the Wing Chaplain as the Chaplain (Padre) to the local Air Training Corp (A.T.C) and presented with his Certificate of Appointment and his Badge of Office. Alun will now be available as a pastoral, moral and spiritual support to all involved in the life of the Squadron, a friendly and listening ear. He will have the honorary Rank of Flight Lieutenant.

Annual Service of 9 Lessons and Carols – 2019.

The Annual Service of 9 Lessons and Carols led by the Choir was held on the 3rd Sunday of Advent,  Sunday 15th December 2019 at 11.15. The Vicar, the Revd. Canon Andrew Loat presided. At the beginning of the Service, the Choir processed from the Font following the Processional Cross, during the singing of the Hymn  “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”. The Congregation joined with the Choir in singing the various Carols. However, the Ave Maria, music by Jacob Arcadelt (1505-1568) arranged by Alan Ridout, was beautifully sung by the Choir alone. The singing was interspersed by Readings from Scripture read by Choristers and members of the congregation.  Following the reading by the Vicar of the 9th Lesson, the concluding Carol was “O come all ye Faithful” together with Descant after which the Vicar pronounced the Blessing. Mr Ian Rees was at the Organ and the Choir were led by the acting Choir Master, Keith Jones.


Coffee Morning 23rd November 2019

A very enjoyable Coffee Morning was held in the Church Hall on Saturday 23rd November 2019 between 10.30 a.m. and Noon. The members of the Social and Fundraising Committee worked very hard to ensure a very successful event. We were beautifully entertained by Children from St. Padarn’s Roman Catholic Primary School whose singing was a delight. The Vicar, Canon Andrew Loat,  warmly thanked all who in any way contributed to making this event a success.

Gwasanaeth Coffa Undebol  /

United Service of Remembrance

A bilingual United Service of Remembrance was held on Sunday 10th November 2019 at 10 a.m. in St. Padarn’s Church, to remember all who gave their lives in 2 World Wars and many subsequent conflicts and to pray for peace in our world today. The Service was led by the Revd. Canon Andrew Loat with Mr Ian Rees at the Organ. The Roll of Honour with the names of 39 Men who gave their lives in World War 1 and of 6 Men who gave their lives in World War 2 was read by Councillor Linda Keeler on behalf of Cyngor Cymuned Llanbadarn Fawr Community Council. The Church Bells were rung before the Service by the Ringing Team. Following the Sermon by Canon Loat and a few minutes of reflection with gentle Organ Music, the Congregation walked to the Village War Memorial following the Processional Cross, the Vicar and Church Choir. Following prayers and the Last Post played by Bugler Aidan Hassan, Two Minutes Silence was observed. Then followed the Reveille and the laying of Wreaths, the Kohima Epitaph and the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. The Service concluded with the Blessing by Canon Loat.

Tea / Coffee was then served in the Church Hall by the Church Social Committee Members.

Harvest Festival 13 October 2019

The main Service for the Harvest Festival in St. Padarn’s was at 11.30 in the form of a bilingual Choral celebration of the Holy Eucharist, at which the celebrant was our Parish Priest and LMA Dean, the Revd Canon Andrew Loat. The joyful Service with 2 English and 2 Welsh Hymns was led by the Choir with William Davies at the organ. After the Service, everyone was  welcome at a lovely shared lunch in the Church Hall. The Vicar expressed our thanks to all who provided food and to all who served the food and did all the necessary work.

Revd. Canon Andrew Loat

Bishop Joanna recently appointed three new Canons of St. Davids Cathedral and amongst the nominees was Andrew Loat, the Dean of the now expanded Bro Padarn Local Ministry Area.  We extend our warmest congratulations to Andrew on his appointment to the Cathedral Stall of Caerfai. (Andrew was formerly a Canon of Brecon Cathedral).

On Thursday 3rd October 2019 at St. Davids Cathedral, the three new Canons were installed during a Service of Evensong.

Canoniaid newydd = New canons


On Thursday 26th September 2019 at 7 p.m. in St Padarn’s Church, Llanbadarn Fawr at a bi-lingual Service of Choral Evensong, the revised Local Ministry Area, Deanery &
United Benefice of Bro Padarn was inaugurated comprising the former Parishes of Llanbadarn Fawr, Elerch, Capel Bangor, Penrhyn-coch, Llanfihangel Genau’r Glyn, Llangorwen, Eglwysfach, Llangynfelin, Borth, Llanfihangel y Creuddyn, Llanafan, Llantrisant, Ysbyty Cynfyn, Ysbyty Ystwyth and Hafod. Members of the 15 Churches in the new Benefice/ LMA /Deanery were present at the Service. The new LMA Church Wardens are Cllr. Ray Quant (unavoidably absent on the night with Mr John Peel deputising) and Mrs Jenny Greaves.
The Service began with a Procession by the Choir and Ministry Team from the Font led by the Cross carried by the Crucifer, William Davies. Mr Ian Rees was at the Organ and the Choir was led by the acting Choirmaster, Keith Jones.
Bishop Joanna licensed the Clerical part of the Ministry Team and stated that the Reader’s Licences would continue as before throughout the Diocese. Archdeacon Eileen Davies then installed Canon Andrew Loat as the Dean (Team Leader) of the Local Ministry Area (LMA). Clerics Licensed, in addition to the Ministry Area Dean, were the following Stipendiary Clerics: the Revds. Lyn Dafis, Alun Evans and Rebecca Evans, the Non Stipendiary Clerics the Revds. Heather Evans, Ingrid Rose and Robin Morris, and the Active Retired Cleric, Canon Enid Morgan. Mr Syd Smith was also licensed as a Worship Leader. Retired Clerics unavoidably absent- the Venerable Hywel Jones and Canon Stuart Bell. Licensed Readers in attendance were Messrs. Keith Jones, David Poole, Nigel Hardy and David Lucas who acted as Bishops’ Chaplain for the Service alongside the Bishop’s official Chaplain, Revd Caroline Mansell. Mrs Carola Mercer, Licensed Reader, was unavoidably absent.
In her address, Bishop Joanna explained her reasons for the revised set up. She made it quite clear that as the Diocese, going forward, could only afford a limited number of Stipendiary Clerics, the most efficient way to ensure Ministry continued, was to have Local Ministry Teams with restricted numbers of Stipendiary Clerics working together with Non Stipendiary Clerics, Licensed Readers and Worship Leaders.
Following the Blessing from Bishop Joanna at the end of the Service, the Choir led the Ministry Team in a Recession to the Font. Refreshments followed in the Church Hall.
The work by so many people in making the evening an enjoyable occasion is very much appreciated.
(The new enlarged and reformed LMA replaces the original LMA inaugurated by Bishop Wyn in 2016.)

Organ Recital at St. Padarn’s Church 31st August 2019

A good number of people attended the Organ Recital held in St. Padarn’s Church, Llanbadarn Fawr at which three Organists played some very beautiful music. The 3 Organists, all of whom play for Sunday Morning Welsh or English Services (or both in the case of one of the Organists), dished up a feast of music. Euryn Jones was first at the Organ followed by Daniel Smith and then by Ian Rees.

The sustained applause at the conclusion of the Recital was yet again proof positive of the audiences appreciation of such a wonderful afternoon of Organ music provided so efficiently by all three Organists to raise funds for the Church. (William Davies was on this occasion unavoidably absent.)

Following the Recital, light refreshments were enjoyed in the Church Hall. Many thanks to the Organists and to everyone else who worked hard to make this afternoon so enjoyable.

Datganiad ar yr organ / Organ recital 31-08-2019

The Revd Andrew Loat becomes a member of the Gorsedd of Bards

On Monday 5 August 2019 the Revd Andrew Loat became a member of the Gorsedd of Bards at the National Eisteddfod of Wales held at Llanrwst in the County of Conwy. He becomes a member of the Gorsedd by examination. Congratulations are due to him for his hard work and success. Andrew will be known in the Gorsedd by his bardic name, Casgob. (Photo: Richard Owen)

Y Parchg Andrew Loat yn cael ei dderbyn i'r Orsedd yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Sir Conwy 5 Awst 2019


At St. Davids Cathedral on Saturday 29th June 2019, the Feast of St.Peter Apostle and Martyr, Rebecca Evans was ordained Deacon by Bishop Joanna  and will  serve as a Stipendiary Assistant Curate in the Grouped Parishes of Llanbadarn Fawr and Elerch and Penrhyn-coch and Capel Bangor and the Bro Padarn Local Ministry Area. Please pray for Becky as she enters her Ordained Ministry. Becky was welcomed to her new Ministry in St. Padarn’s Church, Llanbadarn Fawr by Canon Andrew Loat, Priest in Charge, at both the 10 a.m Welsh Eucharist and the 11.15 English Sung Eucharist on Sunday 30th June 2019, as she assisted at both Services.

Strawberry Tea – Saturday 22nd June 2019

A very enjoyable Strawberry Tea was held in the Church Hall on Saturday 22nd June in order to raise funds for the Church.

Many thanks were given by the Vicar to all who had helped in any way.  A lot of work went into making this event a success. Some people helped prepare the hall, others bought and prepared the food, others served it and cleared and washed up. Other people also donated lovely prizes for the raffle while others prepared and manned the stalls  and others collected the entry fees and sold the raffle tickets.

The voluntary work of so many people contributed in no small way in helping to raise funds for St. Padarn’s Church.

It was also good that Pictures from the Church Floor Mosaic Project Art Competition were on display during the Strawberry Tea.


Feast of St. Padarn – Roman Catholic Brothers and Sisters.

A Welsh Mass was held in St. Padarn’s Church on Saturday 27th April 2019 to commemorate the Feast Day of St. Padarn on the 15th April which fell in Holy Week this year. The Service was organised by the Cylch Catholig and Gweithgor Padarn Sant. The Choral Service began at 3 p.m. at which the Revd Father Allan Jones presided and preached with Mr Peter Leggett at the Organ . As well as a good number of the Roman Catholic congregation, some Anglicans were also in attendance to enjoy the fellowship and the excellent singing.

Refreshments were provided in the Black Lion following the Service.


Mosaic Floor Restoration – April 2019

The current church building dates from medieval times and is categorised by CADW as ‘Grade I listed’ building because of its historical religious significance in this part of west Wales. The town of Aberystwyth, established as a borough by Edward I in 1277, was part of the extensive parish of Llanbadarn Fawr until the 1870s. The stone church was built after the Norman Conquest and before 1246, but has undergone significant changes over time. Serious faults in the roof and some supporting walls resulted in major renovation between the late 1860s and 1880s, designed and managed by John Pollard Seddon, FRIBA, a respected London-based Victorian architect who specialised in Gothic church interiors. Seddon’s plans for the interior of Llanbadarn Church called for impressive Gothic features and furniture that still remain in good condition today.

J P Seddon contracted Jesse Rust of Battersea, London, who had become a well-known creator of different types of mosaics at that time, especially in public buildings in London and Manchester, to design this floor, having been impressed by his past works. The mosaic floor Rust designed is beautifully patterned in designs of tiny 12.7mm (½ inch) tesserae that frame regularly placed encaustic tiles mainly depicting religious subjects.

The mosaic floor lies directly on the Crossing under the bell tower, extending sideways into the north and south transepts and forward onto the marble Chancel step. Rust used recycled coloured glass and ceramic pigments to create a range of tiles and tesserae, which provided vivid, and attractive colours throughout. This floor is apparently unusual, because of the mix of image-bearing encaustic tiles within a glass mosaic surround.

It is believed that the floor took some length of time before completion due to the intricate patterns of tesserae and it reached completion in the late 1870’s. Since its construction it has borne the footfall of continuous pedestrian traffic very well, although wear and grime over those years, the movement of objects over it, some very heavy, had taken its toll, and this had caused a fade in the tile colours. Also, heavy objects dragged and left on it, probably caused small tesserae pieces and in some places larger tesserae pieces becoming dislodged leaving a number of holes in the floor surface. A thick carpet was fitted on the route from the western end of the nave of the church, and on to the high altar, and this placement undoubtedly did help to decrease the threat of further damage.

This carpet remained in situ until 2014, when the interior of the church underwent a restoration, during which the interior walls of the church were repaired, re-plastered and painted, and a new gas central heating system was installed. The carpet was removed from the nave and part of the chancel exposing the mosaic floor for all to see. Rev Canon Andrew Loat, Priest in Charge of St Padarn’s Church made representation to the Parochial Church Council for the mosaic floor to be repaired and renovated, and this was approved in September 2015. A Diocesan faculty was granted, and a grant application to the Heritage Lottery fund was compiled and submitted in December 2017. The application was awarded for the work to be carried out in April 2018.

A firm of specialist mosaic contractors, The Mosaic Restoration Company from Daventry, Northhampton, were given the contract and work commenced in April 2019 when a full restoration and repair was carried out.

The restoration and repair has now totally altered what was a low coloured and damaged area back to a condition that is as close as possible to when it was first constructed back in the 1870’s. Deep and vivid colours have now returned to the mosaic and the surface is level and secure. It forms a most attractive centre piece to the church that will remain for people to enjoy for many years to come.

As a parish we are very grateful to Mr Brian Wiley for all his hard work and dedication in obtaining the grant required for the work to carried out. Thank you Brian.



Faith Pictures is a fun six week course to help to talk about about our Christian faith naturally with other people.

The course will be in English and will be on Tuesday mornings in St. Padarn’s Church Hall, Llanbadarn Fawr on Tuesday mornings between 10.45 and 12.00 on the following dates: 12.19 & 26 March and 2. 9 & 16 April 2019. The Course will be led by the Revd. Alun Evans.


AT: The Vicarage, Penrhyn-coch. Wednesday 2.30 pm.                                                                                  13, 20, 27, March. 03, 10 April 2019.

Do you want to go deeper into the Bible? Then the Bible Course is for you. It shows how the key books, famous characters and epic events form one BIG story, from Genesis to Revelation.  The Course also provides tools and skills that help apply the Bible to everyday life. The Course is in English.

For more information and to book a place please contact:

Revd. Lyn Lewis Dafis (01970) 820162.                                              Visit: to find out more.


A great time was had by younger and older in St. Padarn’s Church Hall on Saturday 23rd February 2019 as teddies and their owners “skied” on the slide and enjoyed songs, food, bubbles and prayers. The next youngsters’ event will be around Easter.

Church Opening Hours

It has become necessary for the foreseeable future to lock the Church earlier than usual because of some local problems – ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR by some young people. The Church will still be opened as from 08.45 daily (Morning Prayer said Monday – Friday). However it will usually be locked by 16.00 hours. If access is required please make arrangements with the Key Holders – Canon Andrew Loat, Priest in Charge or Keith Jones – details on Contact Page.

Murder Mystery Night

A most enjoyable Social Evening was held on Saturday 16th February 2019 in the Church Hall. The “Murder Mystery” night was the brainchild of Meurig and Anna Lewis to raise funds for the Church. A fantastic amount of work went into making it such a wonderful evening which was very well attended.

The brilliant actors were all local with Church connections and performed superbly. The first scene was followed by a lovely cold meal, beautifully prepared by local volunteers. The second scene was followed by the Sweet course. That in turn was followed by the final scene when the truth was revealed. The evening concluded after the drawing of the Raffle.

Heartfelt thanks were given by the Vicar to all who had helped in any way to make the evening such a fantastic success: The Actors, all who had helped prepare the hall, all who had bought and prepared the food and those who served it and cleared and washed up, those who sold and bought the tickets and those who had supplied equipment of any sort.

The voluntary work of so many people contributed in no small way in helping to raising funds for St. Padarn’s Church.

Revd. Lynn Rees (Non Stipendiary Curate).

The Revd. Lynn Rees presided and preached at the 11.15 Sung Eucharist on the 4th Sunday of Advent 2018 in St. Padarn’s and told the congregation that this would be his final Service with us as the Bishop had appointed him to a new post as Stipendiary Curate in the Parish of Betws St. David with Ammanford from the beginning of 2019. Lynn said thank you to everyone for their kindness and support. On behalf of the congregation, Keith Jones, Licensed Reader, thanked Lynn for all his work in the Parish , Group and Local Ministry Area and wished him every blessing in his new Ministry.



The Rite of Confirmation for the Bro Padarn Local Ministry Area was administered at Hafod Church on Sunday 4th November 2018 by Bishop Joanna. 17 people from all over our Local Ministry Area, which stretches from Eglwysfach to Hafod, came to be confirmed, including 2 from Capel Bangor & 5 from Penrhyn-coch.

Organ Recital 25th August 2018

On a beautiful August afternoon, a well attended Organ Recital was held in St. Padarn’s Church, Llanbadarn Fawr at which three Organists played some very beautiful music. The 3 Organists, 2 of whom are quite young and who all play for Sunday Morning Services, dished up a feast of music. William Davies was first at the Organ followed by Daniel Smith and then by their teacher, Ian Rees. The afternoon concluded with Daniel Smith back again at the Organ.

The sustained applause at the conclusion of the Recital was proof positive of the audiences appreciation of such a wonderful afternoon of Organ music provided so efficiently by all three Organists to raise funds for the Church.


MEMORIAL SERVICE – Canon William Watkins

A Memorial Service for the Reverend Canon William H. Watkins was held at St. Padarn’s Church, Llanbadarn Fawr on Thursday 2nd August 2018 following a private committal Service at Aberystwyth Crematorium . The Memorial Service was led by the Revd. Canon Andrew Loat, Priest in Charge with a Scripture reading by the Revd. Canon Roger Jones.

Licensing Service – Thursday 5th July 2018

A Service of welcome to the Local Ministry Area of Bro Padarn was held in St. Padarn’s Church on Thursday evening 5th July to celebrate the new Ministry amongst us of the Reverend Alun John Evans who came to us to continue his curacy after spending 2 years as a Curate in the United Benefice of Haverfordwest. Alun, who was licensed by Bishop Joanna to the Benefice of Llanbadarn Fawr & Elerch & Penrhyn-coch & Capel Bangor and installed by Archdeacon Will Strange, joined the Local Ministry Team led by the Team Leader, Canon Andrew Loat, Priest in Charge of Llanbadarn Fawr and Elerch and Penrhyn-coch and Capel Bangor.

The Choral Service, with Mr Ian Rees at the Organ, began with a Procession led by the Crucifer and Choir of St. Padarn’s, the Local Ministry Team (Ordained and Lay) and a considerable number of visiting Clerics, followed by the Archdeacon of Cardigan, the Venerable Dr. Will Strange and Bishop Joanna and her Chaplains. Bishop Joanna preached and Alun was welcomed by various representatives of the Churches in the Ministry Area.

After the Blessing from the Bishop, the Service concluded with the Recessional Hymn. Light refreshments were then enjoyed in the Church Hall by the visitors and locals who had come to offer their support. We wish Alun and his wife Becky every blessing as they begin their new life amongst us.


Swinging 60’s Social –January 27 2018

Members of all the Churches in the Benefice were invited to the Swinging 60’s Social which was held in Llanbadarn Fawr Church Hall on Saturday afternoon, 27th January, to which admission was free.

Members of St. John’s, Penrhyn-coch decorated the Hall brilliantly in readiness for the Social. Members of St. Padarn’s were responsible for obtaining and cooking the meal 60’s style, with members of St. David’s, Capel Bangor responsible for serving the food. Fancy dress was optional and a lovely afternoon together was very much enjoyed by all who were able to attend with a 60’s Raffle, 60’s Quiz, pass the parcel and 60’s songs. Julie and Sarah led the singing with the 60’s style songs.

The Vicar expressed his thanks to all who helped organise such a wonderful “get together” and all who attended and contributed in any way.

The generosity of Morrison’s, Tesco, Marks and Spencer and Mollie’s is greatly appreciated.


On Saturday 24th June 2017, the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, our Deacon, the Revd. Lynn Rees was ordained Priest by Bishop Joanna in our Cathedral Church at St. Davids and will continue to serve as a Non Stipendiary Assistant Curate in the Grouped Parishes of Llanbadarn Fawr and Elerch and Penrhyn-coch and Capel Bangor and the Bro Padarn Local Ministry Area. Please pray for Lynn as he enters his new Ministry.

St. Padarn 1500 years

A Roman Catholic Mass in the Welsh language was celebrated in St Padarn’s on Saturday 22 April 2017. The Chief Celebrant was the Bishop Emeritus of Wrexham, the Right Reverend Edwin Regan. The Bishop of Menevia, the Right Reverend Tom Burns was in attendance. 

The Anglican Priest in Charge of the Llanbadarn Group of Parishes, the Reverend Canon Andrew Loat and other members of the Ministry Team, Ordained and Lay, were also present.



Revd. Lyn Dafis

The journey of a senior librarian who left his job to become a priest was followed in a radio feature at the end of August 2016.

Lyn Lewis Dafis resigned from the National Library of Wales after 25 years to return to student life and train as a priest at St Michael’s College, Cardiff. He now serves as an assistant curate in this Grouped Benefice of Llanbadarn Fawr and Elerch and Penrhyn-coch and Capel Bangor.

His story was told on Sunday morning 28.08.2016 on Radio Cymru’s Bwrw Golwg programme. The presenter, John Roberts, followed Lyn for a year, from his emotional ordination as a deacon in 2015 to his ordination as a priest. Five years ago Lyn had begun to feel he was being called to do more than serve the church as a licensed Lay Reader. He has faced many changes and challenges along the way – learning Hebrew, re-learning to drive, learning to trust that God would help him find the right words when parishioners came to him for advice.


On Saturday 25th June 2016, our Deacon, the Revd. Lyn Lewis Dafis was ordained Priest by Bishop Wyn in our Cathedral Church at St. Davids and will continue to serve as a Stipendiary Assistant Curate in the Grouped Parishes of Llanbadarn Fawr and Elerch and Penrhyn-coch and Capel Bangor and the Bro Padarn Local Ministry Area. On Sunday 26th June 2016, also in our Cathedral Church, Mr Lynn Rees was ordained Deacon by Bishop Wyn to serve as a Non Stipendiary Assistant Curate, also in the Llanbadarn Group of Parishes and the Bro Padarn LMA. Please pray for both these men as they enter their new Ministries.

On the evening of Sunday 26th June 2016 at 6.30 p.m. in St. John’s Penrhyn-coch, St. Padarn’s Church Choir was present at a well attended bilingual Celebration of the Holy Eucharist as Lyn and Lynn began their new Ministries. The Revd. Lyn Dafis celebrated the Eucharist for the first time assisted by the Revd. Lynn Rees. Our Parish Priest, the Revd. Andrew Loat preached and the Revd. Heather Evans led the Intercessions. Following the Service, lovely refreshments were enjoyed in the Church Hall when Lyn & Lynn were invited to cut a cake to celebrate their respective Ordinations.


Congratulations and best wishes to the Revd Andrew Loat and the Revd Heather Evans whose marriage took place at St. Padarn’s Church, Llanbadarn Fawr on Saturday 9th April 2016 . The Venerable Hywel Jones presided, the Preacher was the Revd Canon Rhiannon Johnson and Mr Stephen Loat was the Best Man .

Bro Padarn Local Ministry Area


On Monday evening 7th March 2016 at a special service in St. Padarn’s Church, the latest Local Ministry Area in St. David’s Diocese was established. Bishop Wyn presided at the inauguration and he was assisted by the Archdeacon of Cardigan – the Venerable Dr . Will Strange, the acting Area Dean – the Revd. Peter Jones and the Bishop’s Chaplain – the Revd. Canon Paul Mackness. Representatives of ten Churches from three Benefices laid candles on the Altar and then signed a Covenant Agreement in the presence of the Diocesan Registrar, Mr Anthony Jenkins,  thereby agreeing to work more closely together. The Newly Formed Bro Padarn Ministry Area will move forward under the leadership of the newly commissioned Ministry Team Leader, the Revd Andrew Loat – Priest in Charge of Llanbadarn Fawr & Elerch & Penrhyn-coch & Capel Bangor. The other Churches in the new Ministry Area are Llangorwen, Llanfihangel Genau’r Glyn & Talybont and Borth, Eglwysfach & Llangynfelin. Stipendiary Clerics, Non Stipendiary Clerics, Retired Clerics and Licensed Readers (Lay Ministers)  also signed an agreement to work together as part of the new Ministry Team.



The 11.15 service of Morning Prayer was led by the Vicar, the Revd. Andrew Loat with the Curate, the Revd. Lyn Dafis also present. The Preacher was Mr Keith Jones, a long serving Reader in the Parish who had received his Licence to preach in the Diocese of St. Davids 30 years ago on 13th November 1985 in St. Padarn’s Church, from the then Diocesan Bishop, the Right Reverend George Noakes. Keith has since preached in most of the Churches in the Deanery of Llanbadarn Fawr. During his sermon, Keith stated that he was a member of that little known Fan Club, the St. Luke Fan Club and explained how St. Luke had inspired many of his sermons.
Following the Sermon, the Vicar thanked Keith for his loyal service as a Reader over the past 30 years and surprised him by presenting him with some gifts from the Parishioners, for which Keith was most grateful.      

St. Padarn’s Lady Chapel

Following the installation of a new heating system and the re-decorating of the Church, it was necessary to have a new carpet in the Lady Chapel. This lovely carpet has now been installed and has greatly enhanced the appearance of the Chapel.

We are most grateful to those who contributed to the considerable cost, including donations given in memory of the late Ivor and Winifred Williams and the late Reverend Canon Geraint Vaughan Jones.

Llanbadarn Fawr Group of Parishes – Curates

On Saturday 27th June 2015 – Petertide, the Reverend Heather Evans, who was ordained Deacon in September 2014 and currently serving as a Non Stipendiary Minister (Local) in this Grouped Benefice of Llanbadarn Fawr and Elerch and Penrhyncoch and Capel Bangor, was ordained Priest by Bishop Wyn in our Cathedral Church at St. David’s.

On Sunday 28th June 2015, Mr Lyn Lewis Dafis was ordained Deacon and will serve his title as a stipendiary (full time – paid) Curate in this Group of Parishes. Lyn has for many years served as a Licensed Reader in this Deanery, based at St. Mary’s Church in the Rectorial Benefice of Aberystwyth. Both Curates will be working as part of our Ministry Team under the supervision of the Reverend Andrew Loat, our Vicar.

Revd. Dr. Noel Cox

Following the administration at the Sung Eucharist on Sunday 14th June 2015, the Vicar the Revd. Andrew Loat, presented Noel with a Photograph of the Starlings over Aberystwyth Pier to remind him of his time amongst us and warmly thanked him for his work in the Parish and more recently the Group and wished him well for the future, as this was Noel’s last service before returning to his native New Zealand.

In the Steps of St. David

About 18 months ago, Bishop Wyn decided that he wanted to visit every Parish in this large Diocese of St. Davids before he retires. As he continued on his journey, on Thursday 28th May 2015, accompanied by his Chaplain, the Revd. Canon Paul Mackness, the Bishop spent the day in this Group of Parishes. The day began at St. Padarn’s at 09.30 with bilingual Morning Prayer, led by the Reader, Keith Jones. That Service, in the Lady Chapel, concluded with Bishop Wyn blessing all present. The Bishop then joined with members of the Ministry Team at the Vicarage for refreshments. At Noon, Bishop Wyn, assisted by the Vicar, the Revd. Andrew Loat and the Curate, the Revd. Heather Evans celebrated the Holy Communion at a bilingual service at St. Peter’s Church, Elerch. Following lunch with some members of the ministry team and other parishioners at a location in Capel Bangor, an act of public worship was held in St. David’s Church in the village, led by the Revd. Heather Evans. The Bishop and some members of the Ministry Team then paid a visit to the Hydro Electric Power Station at Cwm Rheidol and had a conducted tour of the Station. The day concluded at 17.00 hours with bilingual Evening Prayer at the Church of St. John the Divine at Penrhyncoch led by the Vicar. The Bishop blessed all present before light refreshments were enjoyed by all.


On Sunday 15th February 2015, we were very glad to welcome our Diocesan Bishop, the Right Reverend Wyn Evans, Bishop of St. Davids to this ancient Church to administer the rites of Holy Baptism and Confirmation in the setting of the Holy Eucharist which he celebrated bilingually.

18 young men and women committed their lives to Jesus and were Confirmed by Bishop Wyn after he had Baptised of one of their number. One young person from Holy Trinity Church in the Rectorial Benefice of Aberystwyth joined the 13 from St. Padarn’s, 2 from Penrhyncoch and 2 from Capel Bangor all in this Grouped Benefice, for a joyous choral service and made their first Communion in this holy place where Christians have worshipped since the 6th Century.


Bishop Wyn has appointed the Revd Andrew Loat, Rector of the Upper Ithon Valley and Lower Ithon Valley Group Benefices, Canon of Brecon Cathedral and Area Dean of the Maelienyddd Deanery in the Diocese of Swansea and Brecon, as Priest in Charge of this Group.

On Thursday 8th May 2014, the Reverend Andrew Loat was Licensed as  Priest in Charge of Llanbadarn Fawr & Elerch & Penrhyncoch & Capel Bangor at a service in St. Padarn’s Church, Llanbadarn Fawr. Bishop Wyn presided, assisted by the Archdeacon of Cardigan – the Venerable Dr. Will Strange and the acting Area Dean of Llanbadarn Fawr Deanery – the Reverend Canon Stuart Bell.

The Revd. Brian Griffith M.Th.——Andrew writes: Many worshippers in St. Padarn’s will have learnt with sadness of the death of the Reverend Brian Griffith, whose funeral took place in Llanychaearn on Friday 4th July 2014. Brian was ordained in 1982 at the same time as Andy Herrick by Bishop (later Archbishop) George Noakes. From 1988-93 he served as NSM priest in Llanbadarn and Capel Bangor, continuing to assist Hywel Jones when the latter moved to Llanychaearn parish having been made Archdeacon. This enabled him to attend worship with his wife, Betty. In retirement Brian continued to help in Llanbadarn with the celebration of saints’ days and the 8 o’clock service on Sundays during the interregnum, although ill health forced him to give these up about eighteen months ago. He is survived by Betty and their two daughters. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.


The Church Shop has been open now at the back of the Church since the last day of June 2009. It is staffed on Sunday mornings and sells small gifts and various greeting cards in both the Welsh and English Languages. Any profit goes to help Church funds. The Shop team reports that the church shop continues to do a steady trade and we are grateful to those who purchase items from it. As well as cards and gifts there are also a variety of other items, including books and 2nd hand jewellery. Some cards etc have a picture of our church and are intended as a memento of a visit here by holiday-makers but we still need our own parishioners’ support to help give a steady income throughout the year. Please do come and browse before or after Sunday services and during the week purchases can be made with the payment left in the box provided. Any items you may be able to donate for sale e.g. new, unwanted gifts or books in good condition, would be gratefully received by those staffing the shop – Cherry, Pip and Joan.
Don’t forget to have a browse in the Shop next time you come to Church. The Card or Gift you have been looking for may be here.


The Church Hall has been refurbished. The improvements made include: Disabled access, toilets including Disabled Facilities and a Kitchen, all on the ground floor. If you are looking for a location to hold a function, please check availability with the Vicar on 01970624638 or by email to:

The members of St. Padarn’s Church wish to thank the Organisations listed below and acknowledge the generous financial support given by them to help us carry out this major refurbishment work in the Church Hall.

Ceredigion County Council: Aberystwyth Business Club: The Fronhaul (Llandinam) Charity: The James Pantyfedwen Foundation: The Llanbadarn Community Association and the Park Lodge Hotel.